Get to know Good Dog Wood

Hi! Welcome to Good Dog Wood, formerly Dog on the Go, a custom wood workshop. I’m Dru, the artist here at GDW. This is a site to showcase some of the creations I make. It’s mostly charcuterie and cutting boards, some furniture, and other things I never realized I needed. Some is better than others, but I guess that’s what handmade and art means.

I have a strong belief in doing right by our community and our planet. After all this is the only planet we have. I also believe in the construction of yesteryear. Those old boards and artifacts have such interesting patina and grain, especially with nail or peg holes, grain, graffiti, and whatever else has accumulated over the decades. The stories those boards could tell. It’s for those reasons that whenever possible, I prefer to work with vintage wood and supplies, recycled pieces, and even local trees that had to be taken down. Better to see them in furniture than a landfill.

So who is the Good Dog? Meet Bridger, the original good boy. He’s still my lead assistant, a real blue collar worker. He helps out at every step of the way by selecting logs, bringing me tennis balls, and generally keeping the yard safe from squirrels. He is always ready for work.

Our manager was Piper. She refused to get her paws dirty, preferring to supervise from a nearby pillow. She specialized in barking out orders, yet none of us could figure out what she was barking at. She was white collar material through and through. Sadly, she retired recently so we are without our leadership.

Trixie is our newest employee. She has the title of CBO - Chief Boop Officer. She's not sure what woodworking is yet, but she's an expert at booping.

I hope you enjoy your visit. And if you see something you like, you will probably never see me make a second one like it. Drop us a line if you see something you like, want something custom made, or just to say hi. Woof woof!

Our staff

Meet the Good Dog Wood team:


Founder, laborer, artist


Chief Wood Selector, Squirrel Security Officer


Retired. We really miss her leadership.


Booper extraordinaire


CFO, tolerates this

Get in touch with Good Dog Wood

We operate out of Sacramento CA. We usually participate in a handful of craft fairs every year. Many of the things on this page are for sale. If you see something you like or have ideas, or just want to say hi, drop us a line!

Use the form below, or email us directly at